Contact & Company details:
Company name:
Chamber of Commerce:
Friso Kooijman Fotografie
+31 (0)6 30701994
Friso Kooijman Photography
Friso Kooijman Fotografie
Zaanstad (Suburb of Amsterdam)
The Netherlands
About me:
Born and raised in Zaanstreek, The Netherlands, I developed huge interest in photography and people during my international carreer in the shipbuilding industry. I travelled the world with ships, airplanes and cars and met an awful lot of people with all kinds of backgrounds.
Developing my interest in photography and people made me decide to study photography at de Nederlandse Fotovakschool in Amsterdam. I graduated as a professional photographer in april 2010.
Documentary & street photography combines my interests in people and photography which allows me to tell stories about communities and people.

Alle rechten van op mijn website getoonde foto’s liggen bij mij als fotograaf (Friso Kooijman). Gebruik van mijn foto’s voor alle media (drukwerk, websites, etc) is tegen overeengekomen en voldane betaling mogelijk. Met veel plezier maak ik een offerte passend bij uw wensen.
All rights of the photo’s shown on my webpage belong to me as maker (Friso Kooijman). Usage of my prints for all media (print, websites, etc) is possible against agreed and fullfilled payment. I will be pleased to make you a suitable quotation matching your requirements.
De Algemene Voorwaarden van de Dutch Photographers (DuPho) zijn van toepassing op al mijn leveringen (print, digital of enig ander medium dan ook). Alle rechten op foto’s door mij gemaakt en op mijn website, facebook, twitter of elders op internet berusten bij mij en zijn niet overdraagbaar. Het kopieren, dupliceren, downloaden, reproduceren, distribueren, publiceren, verzenden, bewerken, manipuleren or enig ander gebruik (privé of zakelijk) zonder mijn schriftelijke toestemming (of email) is niet toegestaan en maakt inbreuk op mijn rechten en is tegen de wet. Bij ongeautoriseerd gebruik behoud ik mij het recht voor om mijn normale tarief maal drie in rekening te brengen.
U kunt de voorwaarden hier downloaden: Algemene Voorwaarden DuPho
General Terms and Conditions of the Fotografen Federatie ( apply to all works made by me. All photographs appearing on this website or belonging to this website are made by me. All rights to my photo’s are reserved and belong to me. My photo’s are subject to and fully protected by international copyright laws and regulations. The images / photographs on my website may not be copied, duplicated, downloaded, reproduced, printed, distributed, published, send, manipulated or used in any other way for personal or commercial use without my written permission (or email).Unauthorized usage or reproduction of a photograph constitutes copyright infringement and is a violation of copyright laws. Any unauthorized usage can be billed at three times the normal rates I charge.
General Terms and Conditions DuPho